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About Our Conferences

Since 2018, Matzmichim has been hosting annual conferences targeting the educational sector in order to spread our methods to a broader audience. These conferences were a great success: In our first year, we welcomed more than 200 participants interested in our innovative violence reduction techniques, including many teachers, educators, and principals from various school sectors.

Topics of Our Past Conferences

Support of the Israeli Ministry of Education

In 2018, we had the honor of Mr. Eyal Ram, Deputy Director-General of the Ministry of Education for Teaching Workers Administration, opening the conference. To our delight, the 2019 Matzmichim conference was opened by Hila Segal Zedbil, Head of the Educational Environment and Violence Reduction Department in the Psychological Service Division of the Ministry of Education. Their involvement in our events reflects upon our long-term partnership and their appreciation of our efforts towards changing the landscape of the Israeli educational system in a sustainable manner, encouraging us further on our way towards a more cohesive and a shared society in Israel.

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